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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

10 delicious foods that make you age prematurely

Whether you are a man or a woman, but when someone calls you “prematurely” when in fact you know that you are much younger than them, anyone would feel disappointed, right? Although physical appearance is mostly due to genetics, but the matter of wrinkled skin,

“Soda mixed with lemon” reduce the risk of cancer

Soda mixed with lemon is a drink recipe that has been passed on through social media for a long time. Some say that it helps cure or reduce the risk of cancer. However, some drink it to help detoxify the body and help the digestive system

3 Benefits of “MSG” That You May Not Know

Whenever cooking at home, many people (especially those who are strictly concerned about their health ) avoid adding MSG to their food at all costs, believing that MSG is harmful to the body. Some say that eating too much causes hair loss, or for those who have

10 great benefits of “Spring onions”, a healthy food

Spring onions are a local vegetable that has been with Thai people for a long time. Spring onions are usually used as a side dish and sprinkled on top of food, such as congee, clear soup, or a single dish, such as red pork and crispy

Why? When I eat pineapple, my tongue feels “burned”.

Lately I have been eating fruits more often and in a wider variety. Especially pineapple because it has many unexpected benefits. But after eating it for a while, I started to feels itchy and burning on my tongue or lips. Why do I have this

“Eat a lot but don’t get fat” is this a disease?

People who eat a lot, eat well but are not fat, but their weight does not increase, do not be confident if you are not a person with a good metabolism or a person who exercises regularly. Because that may indicate that you are having health problems

Guidelines for treating and caring for dryskin, itchy skin

Guidelines for treating and caring for dry skin, itchy skin 1. Consult a doctor Before being treated by a doctor Try observing the symptoms of dry, itchy skin that occur on your body first. If there is a tendency for more severe symptoms such as

How does drinking alcohol affect your ability to drive?

How does drinking alcohol affect your ability to drive? How does drinking affect your ability to drive?  1. Can’t see people crossing the road Because alcohol affects the focus of the eyes, causing blurred vision and double vision.  2. The brain can’t brake in time. This is because alcohol

Why must you quit smoking? What are the benefits of quitting?

Why must you quit smoking? What are the benefits of quitting? Cigarettes are very dangerous to health. People who smoke are more likely to suffer from diseases such as cancer, stroke, heart disease or emphysema. than people who do not smoke In addition to the

Your hair falls out in patches. The more you leave it on

Your hair falls out in patches. The more you leave it on, the more you lose confidence. Alopecia areata Problems that cause you to worry and lack confidence. This disease can occur in both males and females. There are noticeable symptoms.  The cause is caused